San Diego, California is a beautiful place to have the opportunity to visit – even if you’re an extraterrestrial. There have been numerous reports of citizens noticing flashing lights in the sky, round disks, and even orbs that have been unexplainable by law enforcement and other officials. Even with celebrities such as Tom DeLonge who have claimed to see UFO sightings in San Diego, it is a common observation of residents in the area.
Mira Mesa – September 6th, 2014
One witness noticed that there was an object with white, red, and blue lights quickly flying throughout the sky and then noticed that it began to disappear towards the north. While walking their dog, they saw the blue object in the sky in front of them and it began to turn incredibly fast. Normally one would think that it was simply an airplane, but in the case of this witness account, the object was moving far too quickly for your average airplane or helicopter. After running to a location where they could try to see the object better, it had disappeared and never returned.
Tom DeLonge – August 25th, 2014
On the night of Monday, August 25th 2014, singer and songwriter Tom DeLong from the famous bands Blink-182 and Angles and Airwaves claimed to have seen an array of UFOs with his wife. One thing that makes this particular story quite interesting is that he has an ample amount of UFO research in his arsenal, approximately 20 years’ worth. After the sighting, he posted the following on his social media account, “My wife and I followed it for 30 min, a fleet of cars were pulled over watching it with us. Some said they were watching it for an hour. It was 2 sets of lights, going in and out and popping up in different locations.”
Fox News – February 25th, 2014
During an interview with a surfer in San Diego, Fox News was lucky enough to catch a UFO on their cameras during the broadcast. The interesting part is that no one on the beach seemed to notice the unidentified flying object. If you have the opportunity to review the footage, you will notice that a glowing orb can easily be seen in the background of the video. There has been some speculation pertaining to this particular event as some believe that it is a helicopter and others believe that it is a true UFO.